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——纹身是无声的宣言 有型的态度——『升子纹身』具有过硬的刺青技术、独特、前端!
纹身是用纹身机(tattoo power supply)蘸取专用色料后刺破皮肤,让色料进入皮肤上色,恢复后无法消失,只能用激光等方法去除,但也不可能去除到像原来的皮肤一样了,所以纹身是不可逆的。
彩绘(tattoo power supply)是用专用的颜料画在皮肤上,画完之后用一种固色的药水保持颜色,可以保持几个星期到几个月,之后会慢慢淡化直至消失。另外还有一种最近比较流行的喷绘,是用专门儿的工具把颜料喷到皮肤上之后再弄上固定颜色的药水或药粉,可以保持一两个星期左右,之后也会慢慢消失。
第三,暂时性纹身(beijing tattoo)的多样性。由于暂时性艺术纹身是选用模板形式,而所用模板涵盖人物、动物、花草、图腾、卡通等众多类别,您的选择范围就变得更广泛了。


The difference between painting and tattoo!
Tattoo power supply dips in special colors to puncture the skin, which can not disappear after recovery. It can only be removed by laser, but it can not be removed to the same extent as the original skin, so the tattoo is irreversible.
Tattoo power supply is painted on the skin with special pigments. After finishing the painting, the color is maintained with a fixing solution, which can be maintained for several weeks to months, and then gradually fade out until it disappears. Another popular spray painting recently is to spray the paint onto the skin with special tools and then fix the color of the potion or powder, which can be maintained for about a week or two, and then gradually disappear.
The obvious difference between them is that painting and spray painting are disposable, but the effect is very similar to real tattoos, and can be removed at any time, so they are also called "disposable (or temporary) art tattoos"; and the real tattoo art is permanent, once it is easy to go without tattoos. It is not easy to modify, that is, the so-called "permanent" art tattoo.
First, as its name implies, its unique feature is temporariness. Temporary tattoos can be kept for 15 to 1 month, which can fully satisfy your desire to change patterns at will.
Secondly, temporary tattoos are environmentally friendly. Temporary tattoos are made of human scraping colors, which are non-toxic and harmless to the body, without any side effects, and contain a variety of natural plant extracts, so that you can safely choose them boldly.
Third, the diversity of Beijing tattoo. Because temporary Art Tattoos use template form, and the template used covers many categories, such as characters, animals, flowers, totems, cartoons, your choice will become wider.


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